Orange County SEO Company

5-star rated Google Marketing

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Results - Based SEO

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Orange County SEO Company Businesses Can Trust

We are experts in driving customers to your website and guarantee a significant ROI on your investment in our SEO services.
Our mission is to drive up your revenue and reduce your cost of acquiring new business and to help you dominate the competition in your market. Guided by successful ownership with 19 years in global retail and wholesale business our service offer a unique value add proposition.

• DOMINATE Google.
• Boost Your Company Profile Online.
• Increase Traffic, Sales And Conversions.
• Expand Into Other Cities and States.
• Understand Your Business Internet Presence.
• We Identify New Markets and Revenue Streams.


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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO for short) is the practice of making information, products or services easier for search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing to find the most relevant information for the search performed.

There are 2 main types of Search Engine Optimization.

On page search engine optimization involves the structure of a website to make it appealing to the search engines. What does this mean? Firstly the website must be mobile friendly (since April 2015) and the information must have a logical structure that makes it easy for
the search engine to find the information it is looking for, assess it’s relevance and then return the result. The more authoritative and relevant the information on the website is in relation to the search, the more likely the page will ranked towards the top of the results. There are a many things that the search engines love and others that they do not like.


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This involves everything that happens externally from a website, this includes backlinks (links coming into a website), social media, citations. Unless you are new in business chances are you have experience of dealing with an SEO company or an individual SEO expert. More often that not the results are at best marginal and at worst have done nothing other than become an added expense on your books. SEO tactics that used to work years ago are defunct and most of even the best SEO companies have failed to understand or embrace
the need for change. Many are still blissfully unaware of what is going on around them and are quite happy collecting their monthly SEO service fee.

Our Services

Local SEO

For local based small businesses.

National SEO

National businesses

PPC & Facebook Ads

Paid Ads 

Web Design

A good online presence

Reputation Management

Be found online, correctly.

Social Media Marketing

Social channels

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Don't take our word for it, our partners speak for themselves!

“The Best SEO company.”

Adam Smith

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.”

Adam Smith
Lorem ipsum

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.”

Adam Smith
Lorem ipsum

Common SEO Questions Answered

  • How Much Extra Business Will SEO Marketing Generate?

    This is a tough question to answer. Nobody can truly be sure how the data will translate into sales – not just for yourself but for your industry as a whole.

    What we do know is that approx. 40% of all organic traffic (clicks to a website that is not as a result of a PPC campaign) goes to the website that has the 1st position on Google for the searched word or phrase. The vast majority of the rest of the traffic goes to the sites in 2nd and 3rd positions. Being on page 1 still has some value but the consistent visitors to your website most certainly come from being in the top 3.

    There is also an advantage from being listed on Google Maps, again a similar trend follows. Occupy the top positions for optimal clicks to your website.

    When we take on a project the goal is always to achieve the top spot in the organic search results for your chosen keywords. We are able to accomplish this faster than most companies but in a way that is natural and is Google friendly.

  • SEO Company Providing Pretty Graphs, Web Traffic Data & Hypothetical Forecasts?

    If your current SEO service is providing you monthly reports there is usually a very good reason for this. They have plenty of time on their hands to spend producing paperwork in a genuine attempt to “prove” their worth. By using forecasts and showing the increase in traffic over time they keep your confidence and stretch their SEO services to another month. Many business owners are sold into the principles and well constructed graphs and data so much so that the facts of poor or non-existent customer growth from search engine optimization are obscured from you. Sure, there is loads of traffic coming in, so that’s a good thing, right? Wrong. Traffic means nothing. There are many ways to increase traffic to your site, but that will not convert into business. The CTR (click through rate) is one of the most important measures of success of traffic landing on your website. More important still is the actual conversion of the traffic into an actual sale or contact with the customer.
    We will of course provide you information any time you like however most times you will not need to ask because the results will be apparent. We operate a policy of full transparency and you are able to make contact with us from 8am-10pm Monday to Friday and often we will be available at weekends too.

    Many of our clients come to us desperate for a fix, having had some terrible losses from poor local SEO services. Whether their budget has been $1,000 per month or $50,000 per month search engine optimization that just doesn’t work is a bitter pill to swallow. The good news is that in many instances our SEO services costs will be at parity with your previous SEO agency and you can be sure that wherever we can save you money we will. We can assure you that every dollar we spend for you will go to drive new business to your business – and we can back it up.

  • One on One Consultation from the BEST of the Best SEO Consultants

    James Bastin is a expert in search engine optimization and lead generation. Every new client receives a complimentary consultation to decide if XWeb Consulting SEO company is a good fit for your organization’s requirements and budget. We carefully select clients we choose to work with based on strict criteria that include the budget available and your willingness to follow our advice following your free SEO audit. Our reputation is based on results and we are paid to achieve results so we are only able to work with clients who put their trust in us and our SEO optimization abilities to drive their business forward. Of course we fully respect you as our client and will ultimately work as instructed but to avoid wasting your time and money we prefer to have an agreed framework to work within before we begin work as your local SEO company.

  • Full Transparency Over Your Marketing Campaign

    We prefer to disclose as much as possible during your initial SEO audit. We do not believe it is ethical to request amendments to an agreement after the fact or to require “add-on” SEO services without a solid, beneficial (to your business) and justifiable reason. Top SEO companies should have the knowledge and competency to provide you with a very clear structure and SEO marketing plan.
    This is one area in which we are able to differentiate ourselves from almost any of the other SEO companies in Orange County, Los Angeles, Irvine or anywhere else for that matter.

  • How Can Local SEO Help My Business Grow?

    If your business is reliant upon local customers (most likely meaning you are in a service industry) it is essential that your brand if easily found online.

    In addition to the organic positions in Google listings and the Adwords listings, there are also positions available on Google Maps. The goal should be to have one of the top positions on page 1 of Google plus one of the map positions too.

    Search engines these days pick up the data from the local websites based on your IP address (they can geographically point your location using the IP address) and deliver results accordingly. Similarly if you search for a term in a given city the search engines will return results in the target city.

  • Top Local SEO Services

    In years gone by all search engine optimization utilized the same SEO tools and tactics whether the business was an international, national or local company. Since the advent of Geo-targeting and mobile enabled devices the need for specific best local SEO practices has grown rapidly.

    While much still remains the same there are significant strategies that are critical to companies relying on business from their local area. This has become a rapidly expanding niche however the vast majority of SEO consultants either do not understand how to correctly optimize a businesses’ internet properties or they believe in the old school methods of yesteryear.

    Xweb Consulting is at the forefront of the local search engine optimization movement and has produced consistent, proven results for every client and more importantly results that are sustainable.

  • Sustainability

    A huge number of supposedly reputable SEO companies still employ black hat SEO techniques in order to try and fool search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Every time Google releases an algorithm update swathes of search engine optimization plans are killed and the websites attached to them axed from the rankings or experience large drops, typically off the 1st page positions. The impact can have devastating consequences for a local business. Xweb Consulting only utilizes white label SEO techniques and works with you to produce a steady organic rise up the rankings on Google rather than jump to 1st page then disappear into oblivion. Just as get rich quick schemes don’t work, the same is true with search engine optimization.
    We are only interested in building mutually beneficial, long term relationships.